June 18, 2019
Dear Reader,
I'm really excited to introduce you to Vantage Point, our hub for specialist insight on investigations and dispute resolution. At Vantage Point, you will regularly be able to read about unique developments, capabilities, strategies and case studies for investigations in the legal space. We'll cover everything from offshore leaks to piercing the corporate veil, and from smart ways to locate assets to techniques for evidencing beneficial ownership, and much more. This is a unique place where we can share with you interesting, relevant and useful information to help you - whether you are a litigator, in-house counsel, businessperson or executive - to maximise your outcome.
We believe that the investigations industry need not be a purely secretive space. There is much room for the sharing of knowledge, resources and experience. We look forward to being a part of that collective in the hope that you may benefit from our input.
Nat Abramov
Founder, Crystal Vantage